Working long hours at a desk often leads to mindless snacking. Instead of reaching for unhealthy options, keep these nutritious snacks at your desk to fuel your body and support productivity:

1. Fresh fruit

Apples, bananas, oranges, and berries are easy-to-eat, vitamin-packed snacks that provide natural sugars and fiber.

2. Mixed nuts

Almonds, walnuts, and cashews offer a healthy dose of unsaturated fats, protein, and fiber. Remember to watch portion sizes.

3. Greek yogurt

Opt for low-fat or plain Greek yogurt and top it with fresh fruits, granola, or a drizzle of honey for a protein-rich snack.

4. Raw vegetables

Carrot sticks, celery, cucumber, and bell pepper slices are crunchy, low-calorie snacks that can be paired with hummus or Greek yogurt dip.

5. Rice cakes

Choose whole-grain rice cakes and top them with nut butter or avocado for a satisfying snack.

6. Hard-boiled eggs

Prepare a batch of hard-boiled eggs at the beginning of the week for a protein-packed snack that will keep you feeling full.

7. Dark chocolate

Indulge in a small piece of dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher) to satisfy your sweet tooth while reaping the antioxidant benefits.

8. Air-popped popcorn

Skip the butter and opt for plain, air-popped popcorn for a low-calorie and high-fiber snack.

9. Whole-grain crackers

Look for crackers made from whole grains and pair them with hummus, guacamole, or low-fat cheese for a satisfying snack.

10. Homemade energy balls

Make a batch of energy balls using nuts, dates, and other healthy ingredients. Store them in the fridge for a quick and energizing snack.


By having these nutritious snacks readily available, you’ll be less tempted by unhealthy options and can maintain a balanced and productive workday.